by Tiago Forte

In 2018 I ran two rounds of a new kind of book club, which I called the Anti-Book Club. Instead of having everyone read the same book, I assigned different books to each of 59 Praxis members who opted in to participate.

I drew from a list of books on extended cognition, personal knowledge management, note-taking, visual thinking, or other topics related to Building a Second Brain, and asked everyone to summarize their book using progressive summarization and a standardized note template.

I’m sharing the notebook of 59 book summaries below with all current and past BASB participants. I have found them tremendously useful in my own research, and I hope they will also be valuable to you. They contain a lot of insightful ideas, examples, models, and stories that could be useful in your own work. And they are great examples of using progressive summarization as a way to preserve and communicate the key ideas in a text to another person.

Click here to view the shared Evernote notebook 91

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